SSC Exam 2019 is one of the most significant Exams in a student life according to the education system of Bangladesh. That’s why after completing the SSC exam a lot of students became worried about what he had done in the examination. Many Students thought ‘will my result satisfied my guardians and me?’.
Will it be enough to get me admitted to a public College? Which will be helpful for me to get myself admitted in a famous University? Because the Public Universities evaluates the GPA score of SSC exam while acknowledging a student to their institution. This tension makes a student confused and frustrated. But you shouldn’t do that because frustration is not the solution. Instead, it will keep destroying you. So get mentally prepared to receive your result cordially and be happy with that. So, Today I discuss how to get SSC result 2019 with marksheet.

Get SSC Result 2019 Process
SSC Exam Result 2019 will publish earlier than before because it will be completed in a short duration this year than before. SSC and equivalent (Dakhil, Vocational) Examination started in Bangladesh altogether on 2nd February 2019 and will be ended on 05th March 2019. I hope the result publish date May 4, 2019. Collect your SSC Result 3 way-
1st: SSC Result Online
2nd: SSC Result SMS
3rd: SSC Result Android Apps
How to Check SSC Result 2019 Online
Bangladesh Education Board every year SSC Result has been publishing and website. Previous every year the result posted on this site. The result will be published online after 01.00 PM. All SSC Candidate students will wait for result publishing time. This website will be very slow, and the server will face problem in result publishing day. Bangladesh 11 education boards (Dhaka, Chittagong, Comilla, Barishal, Jessore, Dinajpur, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Mymensingh, Vocational and Madrasah)to publish in notice boards. After that, the result will publish on the government website ( and Thus, every student of Bangladesh who attended the SSC Exam 2019 can get their result easily.
How to Check SSC Result 2019 by SMS Method
Get your SSC Result 2019 by mobile phone SMS. SSC Result by SMS is a very first and easy way. All the students feel comfortable with this system. For this, you need to have some balance on your mobile SIM card. At first, you have to go to message option and type SSC <Space> First three letters of your Board name <Space> Roll No <Space> 2019 and send to 16222.
SMS Format For 8(Eight) General Board (SSC)
SSC <Space> First three letters of Board name <Space> Roll No. <Space> 2019 and send to 16222
Example: SSC COM 152675 2019 and send to 16222
SMS Format For Madrasah Education Board (Alim)
Dakhil <space> MAD <space> Roll number <space> 2019 and Send to 16222
Example: Dakhil MAD 197772 2019 and send to 16222
SMS Format for Technical Education Board
SSC <space> TEC <space> Roll number <space> 2019 and Send To 16222
Example: SSC TEC 1428520 2019 and Send to 16222
Bangladesh All Education Board First Three Letters
Dhaka Board= DHA
Barisal Board=BAR
Sylhet Board = SYL
Comilla Board = COM
Chittagong Board = CHI
Rajshahi Board = RAJ
Jessore Board = JES
Dinajpur Board = DIN
Madrasah Board = MAD
Technical Board= TEC
How to Check SSC Result 2019 By Android App
Collect Your SSC Result 2019 by Android App and Dakhil Result 2019 by Android App, you need to download the app in Google Play store, at 1st go to on your phone Play store apps. Search Your topic SSC Result 2019, Download this app. After downloading the app, install and open it, now click on the “SSC/HSC/JSC/Equivalent Result.” Now you have to select your Examination as “SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent,” and next select your exam Year as “2019“. After selecting examination and year now, you must select your Board as like “Dhaka,” and the important thing is that to select your Result Type, select it such as “Individual Result.” Not only that, you must input your Roll number (ex: 534321) and Registration number (optional). Now, type the Security Key from the image box given below registration number inputting box. And now click on the “Get Result” button to see the result. By entering the Registration number, you will be able to download the SSC Result Marksheet 2019 by Android App too.
BD SSC Result 2019 Number with Marksheet
Getting a result with marksheet is very satisfying for a student. The good figures of his/her obtained marks will give him/her more delight. On the other hand, the poor figure of the number will force him to do a challenge for re-scrutiny. The numbers which are slightly short from a grade limit (A+, A- etc.) also force him to go for a review to improve the result. Because the GPA score is significant for his/her future life. That’s how the result with marksheet plays a very vital role in every student’s life.
The website of all education board and the official website of Every education boards publish the result with marksheet in their official sites. You just have to enter and select the data which are respectively for you.
SSC Result 2019 will be published 7 May 2019. This Year, 10,23217 boys and 10,08,687 female candidates participated in the SSC examination this year.
Although the record number of the SSC exams this year has been recorded with another record. That is the number of question papers leaked. Bangladesh Education Board has announced to give a legal notice in the SSC examination in the year 2019 Publish official website www.educationboardresults gov bd. Students get SSC Result 2019 with Marksheet to go to official site
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