Job Circular of Dudok (Durniti Domon Commission) in English Anti Corruption Commission has been published on 7th January, 2015. The job circular was published on The Daily Janokantha on 07/01/2015.
Last Date of Apply: 29 January, 2015
Detail Job Circular of DUDOK (Anti Corruption Commission) below

Problem About Treasury Code of DUDOK
Notice Says Treasury Code is: 1-6701-0001-2031 But Bank says, its not valid. They suggested: 1-6701-0001-2681. Update is coming soon.
But 1-6701-0001-2681 if Bangladesh Food Ministry Number, See Here
Reported by –
Solve of Treasury Code problem of DUDOK:
Better to use Sonali Bank in this regard, there is a mismatch of chalan coding with BB (Bangladesh Bank). –
Remember that the below documents are only printable for Legal page size not A4 Page.
Download the Application Form for DUDOK in Doc Format
– Need SutonnyMJ install
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dudok er form ki hathe fill up korte hobe, na pc die? ar biggoptir number kunta?
Hate Fill korte hobe admit card part, Biggopti no shobar upore paben. (Dudok 92/2014(Ga)… Eita
code no kontay chalan er tk joma dibo pls
Biggopti No. ki sob post a same hoba?? Dudok 92/2014(Ga)
Admit part e poder num dui ber e dite hobe? 15 no. instruction e passport sizer pic er kotha bola ache but form e 5×5 cm chailo. konta thik? r Treasury code “1-6701-0001-2681” eta thik ache? Keo janle please reply
5*5 oder form er recommendation. 1-6701-0001-2031 actual treasury code number. See The notice
1ta perfectly editted format chai
1)word file ta cracked astese. PDF e Admit card e post er nam 2bar asse vule.. applicant er nam er place e.
2)National ID car no. er space kom… 16ta ghor ase lagbe minimum 17ta.
3)Religion – Islam fillup kora ase.
4)Extra joggota er space ta o fillup kora ase.
If we fill up both in hand writing (admit & application form )is there any problem?
vai, ai format a onek vul asa, banan vul onek gulo.onno kono format thakla dan.
That’s Why There is doc format, you can edit yourself.
When will be held its exam? Sure or probable date?
dudoker exam kobe hobe? Admit kobe theke debe?
How can I see my result of the xm of the assistant director of anti corruption commission which held in 27th November?