DMU (Diploma in Medical Ultrasound) 2nd Semester Exam was held on last 27-28 February in Bangladesh. This DMU is under the BTEB (Bangladesh Technical Education Board). During the preparation of DMU, I faced difficulty to get the old year question. So now I decided to upload the DMU Question of Second Semester of 2014 here.
Ultrasound of Obstetrics and Gynecology Question DMU
Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka
Health Technology and Services
1-Year Diploma in Medical Ultrasound 2nd Semester Final Examination-2014
Subject: Ultrasound of Obstetrics and Gynecology
(Subject Code: DMU-2101)
Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 100
Group-A (Mark: 1 x20 = 20) (Answer all the questions)
1. What is decidual reaction?
2. Write the physiological mechanism of decidual reaction.
3. What is infertility?
4. Describe the most common causes of male infertility.
5. What is G.S?
6. Describe the normal anatomical features of gestational sac.
7. What is ovulation?
8. Describe in detail about ovulation with its complication.
9. Write the congenital anomalies of fetus.
10. What is spina bifida?
11. Define missed abortion.
12. Write the sonological findings of missed abortion.
13. What is biophysical profile?
14. Describe the point you have to look for biophysical profile.
15. What is SIS?
16. Enumerate the procedure of SIS.
17. Define molar pregnancy.
18. Write the sonological findings of molar pregnancy.
19. What is sonology?
20. Write the history of sonology.
Group-B (Mark: 2 x 20 = 40) (Answer all the questions)
21. Classify cervical cancer and write its sonological findings.
22. What are the types of fibroid? Describe the findings of intramural fibroid.
23. What is the oligohydramnios? Write in detail its measurement.
24. What is the measurement procedure of uterus? Describe the U/S findings of normal myometrium. What will be finding of adenomyasis?
25. What ‘is the normal measurement of endometrial thickening of 19 years unmarried girl ? Write the most common cause of endometrial thickness.
26. Write down the U/S finding of different ovarian tumors.
27. What is turbulence flow? Describe the mechanism of turbulence flow in and resume of aorta.
28. What is portal hypertension? How will you diagnose portal hypertension sonologically?
29. Enumerate the types of transducer with their uses.
30. Can Doppler ultrasound detect benign and malignant condition of prostate? If so, how?
31. As a sonolist what are the points will you look for first trimester scanning?
32. What are the causes of postpartum hemorrhage and the general sonological findings?
33. Write the indications of TVS and describe the technique of use.
34. What is three layers sign and its clinical value?
35. How will you detect IUD sonologically after 48 hours?
36. What is sac? Describe in detail.
37. What is meant by gray scale? Write its importance in the field of ultrasound.
38. Write the difference between gastochiasis and omphelocle.
39. What is ART? Name two ARTs.
Group-C (Mark: 8 x 5= 40) (Answer any eight questions)
40. Why does polyhodramona occur in fetal agenesis?
41. L. A case of esophageal atresia how is double bubble sign formed?
42. How will you differentiate between physiological and pathological ovarian cyst?
43. Maternal diabetes may cause IUGR. Write in detail about this statement.
44. What is indicated by the presence of retro placental clot? Write the sonological findings.
45. Write the findings of pelvic abscess.
46. Write the causes of female factors of infertility.
47. How is image formed? Describe it.
48. How can color Doppler help you about cord around the neck?
49. What is meant by PESA?
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