SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016 by Education Board Bangladesh. Check the published corrected result of SSC Rescrutiny 2016. SSC Result 2016 has been published on 11 May 2016. After that Education Board Bangladesh has given 7 days for the rescrutiny process. Rescrutiny process is also known as khata recheck.
SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016 Date
Most Probable Date:
8 May 2016
SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016
Check your SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016 from below link.
SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016 Dhaka Board
Dhaka Board SSC Withheld Result 2016
SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016 Comilla Board
SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016 Rajshahi Board
SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016 Sylhet Board 
SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016 Chittagong Board
SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016 Dinajpur Board
SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016 Full Jessore Board
Jessore Board SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016 for Changed Only
SSC Rescrutiny Result 2016 Barisal Board
Dakhil Rescrutiny Result 2016
Individual Board will give PDF result to download. I will upload the latest rescrutiny result of different boards here. If you want to know the result please comment in facebook comment box with your board and roll number.

SSC Rescrutiny Process 2016
You will get all related news about SSC Recheck Result 2016 and ReScrutiny Process from Bangladesh Result. Check SSC Recheck Result from our website. So, visit here to get immediate news.
Is it confirmed brother?
When the ssc/dhakil rescruitiny result wii be published
kobe published hobe
Dhaka board
roll : 107170
roll 138894
please send me rescrutiny result 2016
when will this result be published?
result kobe hobe
When the ssc rescrutiny result 2016 will be published? Pleaze replay soon………..!
Dhaka 158736
Roll:178466;Board: Comilla.
Roll:178466;Board: Comilla
dakhil Rescrutiny result roll 187746
roll 131798 Dhaka Board
Roll 187746 broad madrasha
vai janaben plz
Dhaka broad roll 135079 piz send rescrutiny result piz send
what is the exactly date of ssc re-scrutiny result?
Roll: 160973
Comilla Board
Rajshahi board roll no: 123488
Looking for SSC scrutiny result 2016
Name:Shadman Sakib
Board :Dhaka
Roll no: 107691
Roll:206443 plz tell me the result
100270 sylhet board
I want ssc recurity result 2016 Roll no Jessore 125930
Pleasee Please quickly published ssc rescurity result ‘2016 Name Shahriar Roll No Jes 125930
Roll 549213, Dhaka Board
Rajshahi bpatd er result kobe?
Rajshahi board er result kobe?
SSC rescritiny reasult kobe published hobe? 1st May te hobar kotha sunchilam kintu reasult paini.Abar kobe hobe setar fixed kuno date ache ki?
Chittagong board roll- 545916
8 june
When the resruitiny result of ssc/dhakil will publish please reply as soon as
ssc comilla 182006, plz send me the the result…
result koba published hoba kao ki bolta paro
Dear brothers please tell me when the result will be published?
Roll 594323 comilla
vai please ssc rescrutiny result jokhon e dei khobor ta janaben
Board comilla Roll 594323
8 June
my telitalk sim is not registered but it’s ok.can i get the result in time & when the result will published ?
If the re-scrutiny result cannot help student in best college admission the re-scrutiny system should be stopped. Last date application for HSC admission is 9 June 2016. So the re-scrutiny result should be published within 4 June 2016. The result published in the website should be updated as well with the re-scrutiny result.
Dhaka board
Roll: 149765
Result kobe dibe
8 jun
Please sir,result ta ektu janiye diyen.Banglar jnno challange korechilam.Change hole bole diyen.
Kal k ki result dbe? Please bolben!
Dear Sir,
Please as soon as you possible give me the result.
Dhaka Board.Roll Number – 505568
Md. Mehedi Hassan JESSORE BOARD Roll No:102165
Dhaka board, roll-105307 result to ajkei.. Kokhon result pabo???
154786 Dhaka board
Tarikul Islam
Roll:160194, Rajshahi Board
roll no:107231 ami math o biology ir Jonno board challenge korcilam, result published hoile please aktu janai dien
Comilla 171620 challenge result ta den
Dhaka board/roll-641845
please in from me
name:nahid shimanto
challenge rusult den