Sometimes DNS cache clearing is needed to see the live site after moving to a different server. The First option to see the live site without cache clearing is using GOOGLE DNS in your IP4 address of your network adapter. Though it is a little bit tougher for the new user.
Today I am going to show you how you can clear your DNS cache with using a very popular free software name “CCleaner”
Download and Install CCleaner
See the below screenshot carefully
How to See Live Site by Clearing DNS Cache by CCleaner?

Better if you can use your DNS of GOOGLE to see always the updated site, But remember using the GOOGLE DNS sometimes can interrupt your internet connection. So Please backup the DNS record first if you have already had those records before editing!!!
This method works great. Because Google DNS updates in every 15-20 minutes. And you will always be updated. however Recent Browsers like Google chrome, Firefox and Opera is using hard cache to store the DNS records so sometimes this method has lesser value.
Another Method to DNS Cache Clear is elaborated in below video:
Finally, you have done the above-mentioned steps carefully, you have clear your DNS cache successfully.
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