A teratoma is a tumor with tissue or organ components resembling normal derivatives of all three germ layers. The word teratoma comes from Greek and means roughly monstrous tumor. teratomas (the plural infrequently given as teratomata) have been reported to contain hair, teeth, bone and very rarely more complex organs such as eyeball, torso, and hand. Usually, however, a teratoma will contain no organs but rather one or more tissues normally found in organs such as the brain, liver, and lung. all of which are the result of abnormal development of pluripotent (or totipotent) cells: germ cells and embryonal cells.
Age : 1year 6months
Sex : Female.
R/N : 2815/3
Date of Admission : 30.01.07
Address : Ullapara, Siranjgong, Bangladesh
Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
Chief Complains:
A mass on the back since birth which was gradually increase in size.
General examination:
Anamia: (+)
Jaundice: (-)
Cyanosis: (-)
Oedema: (-)
Pulse: 104/min
H/R: 80/min
R/R: 26/min
Temp: Normal
Heart: S1+S2+0
Lung: NAD
Examination of The Mass
Location : Mass is located in the sacrococcygeal region.
Extension : It is predominantly extended with little
presacral extension.
Character : Lobulated with some limb like projection.
Some part is cystic and remaining part is
firm in consistency. On limb like projection
there are 4 fingers with nail.

Nice post, what is the source of your information and photo?
@Shemul49rmc:disqus : Note Collection!
we have a little girl at university of calabar teaching hospital in Nigeria with a sacrococcyxgeal mass too, though hers is not as big as this and is still in the benign stage considering it’s cystic and she’s just 6 weeks old. what are they going to do for this child?
@Idara how can i contact u please?
Great Blackgold!
email sawontheboss4@gmail.com
I like your post n I want some informatin of my case of tumer in uterus.
I like your post n I want some informatin of my case of tumer in uterus.