JSC Exam Result 2019 is one of the most important public exams in Bangladesh. Today I’m going to share with you about JSC Result, which will be published at the end of December last week 2019. All Education Boards JSC result will be available here.
Before we start, you must have to note about the content is only helpful for the JSC Examine 2019 and their Guardians who lived in Bangladesh. If you one of them, then just read the article and feel free and gain more News about the JSC Result Here we will include all the desire information steps by steps. It will provide you extra facilities by reading the content. So, don’t waste your valuable time. Just stay with us here and learn more about the Education Board result. Our JSC Result 2019 team working now for publishing HSC Result.
JSC Exam Result 2019 Published Date
JSC Exam Result 2019 will be published on End of December 2019 after 1:00 PM. Now a day, it is the most popular and common question asks by the people anywhere. But, you are lucky here to get more information about this. All the available information about JSC Results 2019 BD is still on a single post on here on our website. We already informed you that, the JSC Exam 2019 Started on 2nd November 2019 and completed on 14th November 2019. Now it is very important and necessary to know the JSC Examination result 2019 Publishing date of every student.
Generally, the Education Board made rules that all public Board Exam results in Bangladesh will publish after the 60 days of Exam or the 60 days after completing the last writing Exam. For this reason, the JSC Result will publish on the Last Week of the month of December 2019. Currently, no date announced by the Ministry of Education about the JSC Result 2019. If we get any info about the JSC Results publishing, we will include it here with a new article. Just bookmark this page in your Internet browser or on your smartphone. Visit our website again to learn more about the JSC Exam Result 2019 in Bangladesh.
How to get JSC Result 2019 from the Internet
After publishing the JSC Result 2019, you will able to collect your result instant from the Internet of the official website of Bangladesh education board. The current session is the time of the internet. There is no place are available where the Internet is currently unavailable. So, you can easily collect your results from the Internet/Online. It is also important to know that, if you have any Internet Activated device, you can also collect the JSC Exam Result 2019 from this Device easily from anywhere any board for free.
If you want to collect your JSC Result from the Internet, just require to visit 1st the Bangladesh Education Board Result Archive. Do you know the Address or link of the Education board BD Result portal? If, get it now. 1st login the www, education board results. gov.bd then follow the instructions and guidelines of this website.
After login, you will look at a window where available some important categories. You need to select all the categories from the drop-down menu. And also require entering information on the blank box. First, you just need to select the Education type. Click on the drop-down menu and select JSC/Dakhil/Equivalent. Then select the JSC Exam or passing year from the drop-down menu. Then chose the Education Board name from the Dropdown menu then enter the Roll number of the blank box. Now Type Your Exam Registration number. Then enter the security code on the blank box and then submit the info to get your Result.
Then after some seconds later you will show your result on the same window. You may also able to get the full mark sheet by the same system after 06:00 PM on the same days when the JSC Result publishes. You may also check your JSC Examination Result 2019 from the internet by visiting the official website of your Education Board. Suppose, you are a JSC Examinee of Dinajpur Education Board, Just visit the Dinajpur Board official Education board and collect your JSC Result.
How To Get JSC Exam Result 2019 Online?
To get all education board JSC Result 2019 from online, see details below.
At first login “Official Education Board Website.
Then select the “JSC/Dakhil/Equivalent exam” on this option.
And then select “2019” on this year or another exam year.
Then select the “Education Board” on the education board option.
After type six digits “Roll number” your roll number of Board Exam.
Then type Registration number [It is new option]
Fill the “Captcha code” do it must be careful.
Now click on the “Submit” button for JSC Result 2019.
How to collect JSC Exam Result 2019 from Mobile SMS?
Type JSC <–Space–> DHA<–Space–> 12256 <–Space–> 2019 and send to 16222 this number.
Example: HSC DHA 123456 2019 → Send to 16222
[Note: DHA is the first three letters of DHAKA Education Board]How t If you use the “Teletalk” sim card to get your result from mobile SMS, so you can get your result instantly. Because this mobile SMS result system is Powered By Teletalk.
About JSC Exam Result 2019
The JSC means Junior School Certificate, is one of the important & largest Public Exams in Bangladesh under the Ministry of Education. The student who passing the PSC exam after completing class seven, attend on the JSC. The Student will attend on the JSC exam (Junior School Certificate). That means, the JSC is the 1st public Exam in Bangladesh Education Board. The JSC Examinee also understood the Public Exam and its terms and condition.
The JSC examination 2019 Started on the 2nd November 2019 and it continued till the 14 November 2019. Generally, the JSC exam 2019 controlled and maintenance by the “Chairman” of Education board Bangladesh. There is 10 Education board available in BD. Eight education board is general Education Board and a Madrasah Education Board and a technical Education Board. The activity and process of all the Education Board are different.
Here we have described the All available Education board name, Website Address, JSC Exam results from 2019 BD Publish date and some other activity about the BD JSC Result. Just read the below data and gain more instant
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