BPSC has announced 34 BCS written result. Written exam was started from 24 March,2014. Many desperate candidates are looking for the written result because their career just stakes at it. They can decide whether to get ready for the 35 BCS preliminary exam or 34 BCS Viva. So finally BPSC has announced that 34 BCS written result will be published on 18 Decemeber, 2014.
Result Published!
bpsc gov bd 34 BCS Written Result PDF link
It is sometimes very difficult to get direct download link from bpsc gov bd. Their web-server got jammed and people just can’t download the desires result in pdf. That’s why our site Bangladeshresult.com always tries to give alternate links for downloading the bpsc results.
FULL Result Below
When will publish 34 bcs written result?
34th bcs written result 2014 date is still uncertain. Though rumor has spread that, 34 bcs written exam result will be published on second week of november2014.
Candidate Number of 34 BCS Written Exam
There are forty six thousand five hundred thirty (46530) total candidates participate the 34th BCS written exam.
Official Website for the 34 written result link
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sjamal59 says
Thanks for publishing the 34 BCS Written Result post. I will look forward to getting the result from here as soon as it got published.
Mohammad Sajibul Islam says
At last result has published.
ahsan says
when will be published the 34 viva result